News Release
06 de May, 2022
In relation to the mobilization carried out by land transportation workers in different routes of the central-southern area of the country, Empresas CMPC informs:
- According to representatives of these workers, their mobilization seeks to highlight to the public the serious problem of public insecurity in the central-southern part of the country.
- At CMPC, we share this concern and understand what your mobilization expresses. Our collaborators experience the consequences of this serious situation on a daily basis and we have raised this concern with the corresponding public bodies and authorities of the last three governments, but to date this serious situation has not been addressed with the decisiveness that the magnitude of the problem deserves.
- Public safety is a responsibility that legislation assigns exclusively to the State. The current situation seriously affects the coexistence of workers, neighbors and communities in the central southern part of the country.
- Even though government representatives have publicly reported an agreement that would put an end to the mobilization, the roads remain blocked, preventing the passage of people, goods and essential supplies for the operation of many productive activities, including our plants.
- As a consequence, we have found it necessary to reduce production levels in different production plants and to take the necessary measures to proceed with their next shut down.
- In the absence of a solution that ensures the normal movement of people and the regular procurement of essential basic supplies, the Loncoche sawmill will cease operations as of this date. Tomorrow, Saturday, the Santa Fe pulp plant (celulosa), the Villa Mininco plywood plant, the Mulchen sawmill and the Los Angeles remanufacturing plant will be shut down. As of Monday, operations at the Laja Plant (celulosa), the Pacifico Plant (celulosa) and the Nacimiento sawmill and the Coronel remanufacturing plant will be shut down.
It is urgent that representatives and authorities reach a prompt agreement to put an effective end to this mobilization that affects the population in general and, in the case of CMPC, more than 3,000 collaborators at the aforementioned facilities.